Monday, July 13, 2009


Culture House Center town of the
The fishing men

My project is about improve us culture and shows to the tourist what we doing and resource do we have.
Growth: this project will offer production at "full employment," which Gonne get jobs in some staff in the project demand development to the community. If the there are less jobs I need think in make a new activities and other places where the visitors can go and enjoy and the local people can get more jobs.

I want to teach to the community to respect and keep the culture and the environmental and get some laws for make better habit will be for the local people and also for the tourist. One of the consequences is that the tourist could make trash in anywhere.
The solution will be have make rules and educate to the peoples to keep the places clean.
In the aspect social first I need to talk to the local people and get know what they think about the project.

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